Volunteer Interest Form
Fill out this volunteer interest form to tell us about your availability and interests and we’ll help you find ways to get involved
Join our Chapter
Click here and fill out the brief form to join our chapter.
Click here if you’d like to join the Ann Arbor CCL Google group. Our members use the group to share events and articles of interest, ask questions, share volunteer opportunities, etc.
Attend Monthly Chapter Meetings
We meet once a month on the 2nd Saturday at 2pm. All are welcome!
Most meetings are in hybrid format – in person at the Ann Arbor District Library and on Zoom. Check our calendar for specific details
Take Action
National CCL provides a quick and easy monthly action to help persuade Congress to support a specific, key policy. Visit cclusa.org/take-action to do the current action.
Our Volunteer Activities
Our work focuses on enacting meaningful climate solutions, and our activities are organized around CCL’s 5 levers of political will. Here are some of the activities our volunteers do.
Write, call and meet with our elected officials
We organize events like movie screenings, panel discussions and trivia nights to educate and engage community members