Please mark your calendars now for the Michigan Climate March!
Saturday, December 12, 2015
starting at 2:00 pm in front of the Federal Building (200 E. Liberty) in downtown Ann Arbor
Whether or not you have been active with CCL up til now, this is a great opportunity to come out and demonstrate your support for action on climate change. We would love to have as diverse and broad a crowd as possible. Our purpose for the march is to call attention to the need to act on climate change, and to ask our State leaders for a just transition to 100% renewable energy by 2050. The march is timed to coincide with the end of the Paris climate talks, to encourage continued action following the negotiations.
The march will start in front of the Federal Building, proceed through downtown Ann Arbor, and end on the U of M Diag with a rally and speakers.
Please help spread the word to friends, family, and organizations all across the state to make this the biggest call to action on climate change in Michigan history.
**RSVP here and invite your friends to the Facebook event**
Download and print this 16×20 poster to help promote the event: