Summer Outreach

Ann Arbor CCL has been involved in so many outreach activities this summer! Take a look at some of what we’ve been up to.

Huron River Day

May 19. At the annual Huron River Day festival (at Island Park this year), we used the Wheel of Climate Optimism to engage in climate conversations with attendees. We especially enjoyed seeing all of the kids!

A2ZERO Climate Trivia Night

June 13. For A2ZERO Week, we organized a fun and engaging night of Climate Trivia with our collaborators, the City of Ann Arbor Office of Sustainability and Innovations,, and Washtenaw Climate Reality. Huge thanks to our outstanding Trivia Master, Jeff LaRoux for an interesting and informative challenge!

Juneteenth Festival

June 15. We collected letters to our two state senators, Sen. Irwin and Sen. Shink, thanking them for sponsoring bipartisan Community Solar legislation, which participants were glad to sign.

Small Forest, Big Benefits

June 18. In partnership with Ann Arbor Wild Ones, Ann Arbor CCL hosted a fascinating online forum to explore “pocket forests”, which are dense pockets of native trees and shrubs, and how they can help address biodiversity loss, tree inequity, and climate change. We were honored to have native plant guru Douglas Tallamy as our keynote speaker along with 4 expert panelists:

  • Giuliana Casimirri, Green Venture
  • Maya Dutta, Biodiversity for a Livable Climate
  • Neelam Patil, Green Pocket Forests
  • Christine Dannhausen-Brun, Nordson Green Earth Foundation
Watch the recording of Small Forests, Big Benefits

4th of July Parade

We had so much fun marching in the Jaycees 4th of July Parade around downtown Ann Arbor! The crowd enthusiastically cheered our e-bike-hauled float illustrating that anyone can be a citizen lobbyist and meet with Congress about climate solutions. We also had a solar panel, wind turbine & heat pump and handed out hundreds of flyers!